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Work Team of Uberbau_house
Jorge Sepúlveda T. (Chile / Brazil) – coordinator

Independent curator and art critic. Has done and asesorated more than 25 solo and colective exhibitions of south american artist. In 2005 creates the work team Curatoría Forense – Latinoamérica and is a fundator and coordinator of VADB – arte contemporânea latinoamericana, Editorial Curatoría Forense, Red de Gestiones Autónomas de Arte Contemporáneo – Latinoamérica, Trabajadores de Arte Contemporáneo, Cooperativa de Arte, Biblioteca Popular Julio Tapia (Chile), Uberbau_house (Brazil) y Reserva Ideológica (Brazil).
Has asesorated, giving conferences and seminaries about contemporary visual art, art circuits, public cultural funds, artistic imaginary and social imaginary and autonomus contemporary art initiatives in diverse institutions and spaces in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, France, Italy, México, Peru, Uruguay y Venezuela. His analysi´s text have been publicated in diverse media, between are destacated Documenta 12 Magazine, SalonKritik, Artenlinea, ArteyCrítica, Revista Plus and Alzaprima.
>> more information in the VADB community
Guillermina Bustos (Argentina / Brazil) – coordinator

Artist and researcher. M.A. in Arts, with mention in Visual Arts, by University of Chile. Has obtein grants and prize for art research.
She has done more than 40 exhibitions in many countries as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and México, individually and collective.
Since 2015 works with the research contemporary art work team Curatoría Forense – Latinoamérica, in the coordination of residencies and production of seminarys in relation to Cooperativa de Arte in Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México y Perú. Is coordinator of VADB – arte contemporânea latinoamericana, Editorial Curatoría Forense, la Red de Gestiones Autónomas, Trabajadores de Arte, Uberbau_house (Brazil) and Reserva Ideológica (Brazil).
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Federico de la Puente (Argentina) – coordinator of research and contents

He has a degree in Curation and History of the Arts from the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. In 2017, he participated in the PAC-Curadores (Gachi Prieto-Arte Contemporáneo Latinoamericano) program.
He is the general curator at RAF-Rojo al Frente: the first autonomous management dedicated to contemporary art in the General San Martín party (Buenos Aires, Argentina). He is a collaborating researcher for several initiatives and residencies of Curatoria Forense-América Latina between Buenos Aires and São Paulo. As an independent curator, he works with various contemporary collectives and artists in the development of their exhibition projects, providing consultancies and developing texts.
His academic training aroused interest in research as a reflective and analytical practice on the history of art and contemporary art. Based on this, he develops and coordinates the Disarming Art seminar program. Since 2020, with the Argentine artist Pablo Sinaí, he develops and coordinates the Cuatro por Cuatro art clinic program. That same year he founded and coordinates the ETAC-Meeting of Contemporary Art Workers.
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Jimena Elías (Argentina) – graphic designer

Degree in Painting from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. She is currently working as a University Professor at the 21st Century Business University in the Graphic Design Career; and in the Fashion Design Career of the Cultura Cultura Foundation.
She works as an Independent Graphic Designer, advising different brands and ventures. She currently collaborates as a Designer in Uberbau_house, Curatoría Forense – latinoamerica, and Cooperativa de Arte. She made different Individual and Collective shows in Argentina. He participated in several Art Salons where he received different mentions of his work. He also participated in conferences related to Graphic Design as a lecturer and trainer.
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Worked in Uberbau_house
- Daniela Stevens (México) – community manager 2022
- María Francisca Jara (Chile) – collaborator and logistics 2021 / 2022
- Karem Morales (Chile) – production 2022
- Gabriela Díaz Velasco (Colombia) – collaborator and logistics 2020 / 2021
- Pamela Dominguez (Argentina) – logistic in 2019
- Evelyn Márquez (Argentina) – logistic in 2017 –
- Paola Fabres (Brazil) – coordinator between 2016 / 2017 –
- Marina Torre (Brazil) – coordinator between 2016 / 2017 –
- Cassia Perez da Silva (Brazil) – collaborator in 2016 –