Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist José Gilberto Castillejo Barranquilla (Colombia), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for January 2023.

Centro de investigación y residencias de arte contemporáneo (São Paulo, Brasil)
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist José Gilberto Castillejo Barranquilla (Colombia), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for January 2023.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist Adalí Torres Lima (Perú), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for January 2023.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist Natalia Document from Lima (Perú), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for January 2023.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist Felipe Ortiz from Santiago (Chile), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for January/February 2023.
Presentación final Enero 2023
Presentación final Febrero 2023
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist and curator Mayte Miranda from Mexicali (Mexico), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for January/February 2023.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist, professor and researcher Renato Almeida from São Paulo (Brasil), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for January/February 2023.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist Beatriz Paiva (Belem, Brazil), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for October 2022. Her participation was possible thanks to the feminist art colective Vozes Agudas.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the artist Mika Sampaio (Teresina, Brazil), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for October 2022. Her participation was possible thanks to the feminist art colective Vozes Agudas.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the art researcher and artist Astrid Suarez (Medellín, Colombia), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for October 2022.
Uberbau_house welcomes to the art researcher and professor Lennyn Santacruz (Quito, Ecuador), to the International Residency [Contemporary Art Research] for September/October 2022.